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TPPL membership is available to Local Authorities and the wider public sector free of charge, and joining is easy. Once registered, you will have access to all of our procurement solutions, including a broad range of comprehensive framework agreements and consultancy services.
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We are pleased to announce an Invitation to tender has been published for the third iteration of the popular TPPL and NEPO HGV Framework Agreement.
3 July 2024In April 2024 TPPL celebrated their 20th anniversary. To celebrate, staff came together to enjoy a trip to Windsor races.
17 June 2024An Invitation to tender has been published for the third iteration of the popular TPPL and Hertfordshire County Council Contract Hire Framework Agreement.
01954 250517
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Over 250 market leading suppliers. More suppliers appointed to TPPL solutions than market average leading to high levels of competition.
Over £500k of fees generated per annum paid back into the public purse.
Over 1,000 further competitions managed on behalf of members per annum.