New Procurement Thresholds from January 2024

3 January 2024

The thresholds that apply to sub-central contracting authorities (e.g. Local Authorities & Housing Providers) changed as of the 1st of January 2024.

The levels of expenditure above which the Public Contracts Regulations (PCR) apply for sub-central contracting authorities, based on the aggregate contract value, are as follows:

Type of Contract Previous Threshold New Threshold (As of 1st Jan 2024)
Goods £213,477 £214,904
Services £213,477 £214,904
Works £5,336,937 £5,372,609

There are also changes to the thresholds associated with the Utilities Contracts Regulations, and the Concession Contracts Regulations. These are minor changes to the threshold, and unless something changes between now and October 2024, will also apply to the new Procurement Act.

For more information visit:

If you want to discuss more about the change to thresholds, and what the rules of aggregation mean when estimating contract value please get in touch.