The Procurement Partnership Ltd (TPPL) has completed a tendering exercise in partnership with The North East Purchasing Organisation (NEPO) for a Procurement and Contract Hire Framework covering the Contract Hire of HGVs and Buses.
Including spare parts and maintenance contracts. Chassis supplied to be both converted and unconverted operating on Petrol, Diesel, Hybrid, Electric, LPG (liquid petroleum gas), Hydrogen and Bio fuels. This Lot is for the purchase of either unconverted chassis or converted chassis from the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), who can supply direct, or
via any of their franchise dealerships.
Chassis to be supplied under this Lot include day and sleeper cabs of various wheelbases that are acceptable for conversion with body types including but not limited to: tippers, dropside, flat, beavertail, curtain-side, box, Luton, refuse collection, bin lifts and recycling bodies, gritter, snowplough and auger spreaders, tanker, gully emptier, aerial platforms, hook loader and demountable body systems, jetter, cranes, mobile library and offices, vehicle and plant recovery, street lighting and highway maintenance bodies, and any other body type a particpant may require. The Lot will also include the options to offer spare parts and maintenance contract services.
If a converted vehicle is required under this Lot, the convertor may either be nominated by the participant or the OEM will use their preferred convertor. For clarity, purchases from this Lot will be made from OEMs of chassis (unconverted/ converted) that have been appointed to the framework in this Lot.
This Lot is for the purchase of converted chassis from the convertors appointed to the framework. Participants can if they choose to, nominate a preferred chassis for conversion. Alternatively, where the participant owns an existing chassis, they can pay for the body only for the purpose of mounting on an existing chassis. Convertors can make available for sale ex-demonstration vehicles to participants within this Lot.
Body type conversions to include but not limited to: tippers, dropside, flat, beavertail, curtain-side, box, Luton, refuse collection, bin lifts and recycling bodies, gritter, snowplough and auger spreaders, tanker, gully emptier, aerial platforms, hook loader and demountable body systems, jetter, cranes, mobile library and offices, vehicle and plant recovery, street lighting and highway maintenance bodies, and any other body type a participant may require. The Lot will also include the options to offer spare parts and maintenance contract services.
Includes vehicles operating on Petrol, Diesel, Hybrid, Electric, LPG (liquid petroleum gas), Hydrogen and Bio fuel. Types of HGVs to be hired includes, but is not limited to the full range of vehicle categories and sizes covered in Lots 1 & 2 but also any other heavy goods, specialist and municipal vehicles exceeding 12.5 tonnes.
5 – 75 seat (including accessible vehicles) and includes vehicles operating on Petrol, Diesel, Hybrid, Electric, LPG (liquid petroleum gas), Hydrogen and Bio fuel. Vehicles may be coach-built, OEM standard or van-based conversions.
This comprehensive Framework is available to Local Authorities and the wider public/not-for-profit sector including:
All current and future members can access this framework.
The framework provides access to 53 different
suppliers(a mix of OE manufacturers, specialist
vehicle convertors and contract hire providers).
Free, no-obligation membership and the very best value for money with preferential discount terms.
The Procurement Partnership can fully manage the customers further competition (call-off) process if required.
All suppliers and providers are ‘pre-qualified’ to confirm their general suitability.
Members do not need to run a full PCR2015 open procurement if procuring via the framework agreement.