Help & FAQs

We hope we can answer some of the common questions below, but if you need further information please contact our team on 01954 250517 who will be pleased to assist.

Members and membership

  • We have a quick and easy member enrolment process. Complete our membership request form here and you will be provided a pro-forma joining letter to print on headed paper, sign and scan back to us. You will be enrolled as a member and eligible to access all of our solutions and services within 24-48 hours of submission.

  • No, joining is free and we do not charge our members to access our solutions and services. We are paid nominal fees from suppliers upon delivery of an asset via one of our solutions.

  • No. Whilst providing you with eligibility to access our solutions, membership does not commit you to using them.

  • There are over 800 TPPL members, including 85% of all UK Local Authorities, and over 220 registered social landlords

  • Our solutions provide access to over 250 market leading suppliers. We are proud to provide members with an extensive range of suppliers across each of our procurement solutions, ensuring your procurement provides choice and value for money following a thorough market test.

  • A Framework Agreement is put in place by a buying organisation or group of organisations and includes pre-defined terms and conditions that would apply to any order placed during the duration of the Agreement. Once the Framework Agreement award notice is published, no additional suppliers can participate throughout the duration of the Agreement. Each time a contracting authority wishes to procure goods or services under a Framework Agreement, the standard Framework ‘call off’ terms and conditions apply, and opportunities are published to the pre-defined list of suppliers by way of mini-competition or direct award, for which only suppliers appointed to the Framework may compete for. Contracting Authorities may alter the standard ‘call off’ terms and conditions at mini-competition or direct award stage, providing the changes are outlined within the documentation, and that any changes, variations or replacements do not represent a significant material deviation from the nature and intent of the original Framework Agreement.

  • A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is put in place by a buying organisation or group of organisations and is a procedure available for goods, services and works commonly available on the market. Similar to a Framework Agreement, a DPS has a pre-defined scope and estimated financial spend throughout it’s duration. Unlike a Framework Agreement new suppliers can join at any time by completing a standard Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ.) From there all suppliers who meet and pass the required criteria in the PQQ are appointed to the DPS to the relevant categories they applied for. Rejected suppliers are given useful feedback to help them re-apply should they wish to at a later date. Each time a contracting authority wishes to procure goods or services under the DPS, suppliers are invited to compete and bid for the specific opportunity.

  • By enrolling as a member you will have the opportunity to subscribe to our mailing list. If the organisation you work for is already member and you wish to be added to the mailing list, please contact or Contact Us.

  • Open procurement procedures consume a lot of resource from various stakeholders within a contracting authority. Parties usually involved in the procurement scoping and approval process are legal, finance, procurement personnel and end users of the goods or services being procured. Typically, an open procurement procedure will involve input from these parties over several months until a contract has been awarded, and implemented. By accessing a Framework Agreement, the hard work has already been done. TPPL Frameworks are supported by a fully managed process utilising our in house tender team, who support our members when procuring via our Agreements. We do not charge for this service and have a set of template documents to be used against each contract, increasing supplier participation and competitive outcomes.

  • No. Some TPPL members have internal directives stating they must use their own portal and documentation when accessing Framework Agreements. Members can access any of our Framework Agreements themselves providing they reference our framework within their documents and notify TPPL of the activity to ensure it is registered against the Framework usage to maintain compliance and record the financial spend. Send details of the Framework being accessed and the goods or services being procured at point of tender publish to and details of the awarded supplier and value once the contract has been awarded.

  • Yes, our tender team will provide supplier email contact details for importing to your own portal. We will also review and provide feedback on the intended documentation and approach if requested.

  • All members are provided access to the portals. If your organisation is a member and you do not have login credentials, contact


  • There are over 800 TPPL members, including 85% of all UK Local Authorities, and over 220 registered social landlords

  • For Framework Agreements, suppliers are only able to submit an application to participate at the Invitation to Tender stage. Once a Framework is awarded it is locked and no further suppliers can submit applications to participate. If the solution is a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), suppliers can be added throughout the duration of the DPS. Click HERE [link to suppliers page] for further information.

  • A Framework Agreement is put in place by a buying organisation or group of organisations and includes pre-defined terms and conditions that would apply to any order placed during the duration of the Agreement. Once the Framework Agreement award notice is published, no additional suppliers can participate throughout the duration of the Agreement. Each time a contracting authority wishes to procure goods or services under a Framework Agreement, the standard Framework ‘call off’ terms and conditions apply, and opportunities are published to the pre-defined list of suppliers by way of mini-competition or direct award, for which only suppliers appointed to the Framework may compete for. Contracting Authorities may alter the standard ‘call off’ terms and conditions at mini-competition or direct award stage, providing the changes are outlined within the documentation, and that any changes, variations or replacements do not represent a significant material deviation from the nature and intent of the original Framework Agreement.

  • A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is put in place by a buying organisation or group of organisations and is a procedure available for goods, services and works commonly available on the market. Similar to a Framework Agreement, a DPS has a pre-defined scope and estimated financial spend throughout it’s duration. Unlike a Framework Agreement new suppliers can join at any time by completing a standard Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ.) From there all suppliers who meet and pass the required criteria in the PQQ are appointed to the DPS to the relevant categories they applied for. Rejected suppliers are given useful feedback to help them re-apply should they wish to at a later date. Each time a contracting authority wishes to procure goods or services under the DPS, suppliers are invited to compete and bid for the specific opportunity.

  • Yes, however permission must be obtained from the contracting authority calling off from the solution, and either TPPL or the lead authority for the Framework or DPS concerned.

Saving you time, money and hassle with specialist compliant procurement.

As a leading public sector procurement organisation and supplier of compliant framework agreements, our members have access to a range of vehicles and products at market-leading prices backed by the expertise to support you every step of the way.

Trusted by over 950 public bodies

Simon Partridge, Norwich City Council

Simon Partridge, Norwich City Council

“At a time of global supply shortages, thanks to the information, guidance, and assistance from Peter and his team at TPPL, we were ready, on day one, with the vehicles we needed to deliver our building maintenance service.”
Simon Partridge Norwich City Council
Paul Rodden, Highlands and Islands Airports

Paul Rodden, Highlands and Islands Airports

“The procurement process ran smoothly throughout, and we were able to replace the existing vehicles and equipment with minimum disruption.”
Paul Rodden Highland and Islands Airports
Simon Phillips, Tai Calon

Simon Phillips, Tai Calon

“Peter from TPPL has been excellent to work with from the start of the process.  TPPL clearly explained how the process would work and the companies we would potentially be working with.  When the bids were submitted to us by TPPL they were laid out in a way we could easily understand what was being … Continued
Simon Phillips Tai Calon
Chris Demetriou, Islington

Chris Demetriou, Islington

“Working with TPPL has been a brilliant experience, everyone at TPPL is efficient, professional and most importantly prompt in responding and communicating. In particular working with Peter Vickers has been a breath of fresh air and a brilliant experience, Peter is always very responsive, honest and transparent in his communications and there is no question … Continued
Chris Demetriou Islington Council
Nigel Leighton

Nigel Leighton

‘Sovereign have worked with TPPL on a number of tenders over the years, including fleet and building materials, and have had excellent support, advice and communications from all the TPPL team.he values that TPPL put at the core of their operation align with Sovereign’s and have throughout made working with them both enjoyable and ensured … Continued
Nigel Leighton Sovereign Housing Association
Bernard McGreevy

Bernard McGreevy

‘I can state that TPPL enabled the procurement of 11 welfare minibuses as required in a professional manner and in the required time scale as well as being on a cost benefit basis’
Bernard McGreevy London Borough of Barnet
Rod Willis

Rod Willis

‘As a local authority, we needed to procure welfare buses through a framework agreement. After contact we decided to use BNES welfare bus framework offered by TPPL. We found Jim Brennan and his team very helpful and the framework easy to use. The performance and professionalism from TPPL was 100% and we would recommend them … Continued
Rod Willis London Borough of Hounslow
John Mellor

John Mellor

‘Firstly may I say thank you for your assistance in this process. I have found it to be very efficient and well managed’
John Mellor Norse Commercial Services
Gary White

Gary White

‘North Yorkshire County Council has now been utilising the services of TPPL for three years. In which time we have both purchased and contract hired many vehicles including welfare buses. The benefits of using their services have been many; we have seen major savings in all elements of our procurement processes, time, costs and environmental … Continued
Gary White North Yorkshire County Council
Bev Thomas

Bev Thomas

‘TPPL provided exceptional advice and support to the Council on a 1:1 basis, through excellent industry knowledge and experience; which enabled the best opportunities through the framework to be identified for the Council’s requirements.’
Bev Thomas Harlow District Council
Chris Wheeler

Chris Wheeler

‘We have undertaken a number of mini tenders via TPPL in recent years. We have found the team supportive in pulling the tender together and excellent at supporting us through the process. The combination of the effective frameworks and support minimises the procurement workload for us as well as achieving what we consider to be … Continued
Chris Wheeler Guildford Borough Council
Carol Bishop

Carol Bishop

‘Once we had decided on our final specification it was such a simple process to use The Framework. The support from TPPL was excellent; the whole process was streamlined and efficient. The overall cost of the vehicles represented excellent value for money. This was the most straightforward tender process I have even been involved with’
Carol Bishop Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Howard Hughes

Howard Hughes

‘TPPL provide a very user friendly, helpful and efficient service in the procurement of many of our vehicles. They offer specialist knowledge and advice and have secured some very competitive outcomes for us.’
Howard Hughes Watford Borough Council
Carl Nicholson

Carl Nicholson

‘The Team at TPPL helped the west of England council (Bristol, Bath and North East Somerset, North Somerset, and South Gloucester) run a further competition for a share of 100 electric Vehicles as part of a combined effort to convert 25% of the councils’ collective fleet to EV’s by 2020. The support and expertise given … Continued
Carl Nicholson North Somerset Council